June 30, 1990 was born our first and unique
and now, almost a quarter of a century live with us noble grey dogs - SCHNAUZER.
Crises and restructuring have not been able to influence our love, loyalty and
devotion to the breed.
«FOX SUN" - sly as a FOX, and bright as the SUN!

We worked in clubs "Zoosfera", "Elita", "Leader" –
now – we are kennel “Foksson” RKF - FCI - 03.03.1997.
We were one of the first representatives of Russian cynology in the World Championship in 1996 Austria-Hungary. We presented our dogs on the main events in Europe and the World in 1998, 2005, 2006, regularly we take a part on the main shows of Russia
"RUSSIA" and "Eurasia".
Our puppies pleases their owners in Almaty, Ekaterinburg and Zabaikalsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Nikolaev, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Ulianovsk, Ussuriysk, Moscow -
cities and towns of Russia and near abroad.
In our kennel were obtained and grown more than 20 litters - 124 puppies.
We pay great attention to educational activities in Schnauzer grooming. I took a part in two groomer Competitions in 2004 during the show "ZOORUSSIA" and in 2009 at the show "RUSSIA-2009". I gave a Trimming Master-Class as one of the themes in GROOMING EXPRESS-COURSE in the school-studio of Anna Bardysheva - in January 2012, June 2013 and April 2014. By owens of schnauzers in Irkutsk was organized and held master-class of Schnauzer trimming in December 2013, where I was invited as an instructor. I teach all owners of a puppies proper grooming, I working by individual programs with schnauzer owners and masters of grooming salons. On the website of kennel we have accessible and understandable information on trimming, magazine "BORODACH" №2, 2010 posted an article "Grey bearded or classic trimming Schnauzer"
Well maintained Schnauzer - healthy Schnauzer - that's our slogan!

Time passes, our female - our wonderful "Shisha" -
Rus Top Rate Ultraschic Fox Sunalready is a veteran!
She became
2х BEST PROGENY “Poltava-2012”, “Vorskla-2012”,
BEST PROGENY 3 «Russia-2012»,
2хRes BEST PROGENY «Russia-2013» & «Еurasia-2014»,
BEST PROGENY at the Jubilee show of national club,
dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the breed in Russia.
Her children - Interchampion, Champion of National club of breed, Champion of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, RKF and UKK - Best male, champion of breed and Best male 2010 and 2013, according to "Golden collar" – Anemon & Barguzin!
Beautifully show dogs Bravo Barcelona, Boston, Bengaliya,
Graffias, Galika, Ganymed.
We not only teach others, but also educate ourselves – we improved handling – our teachers were Max Liner, Larisa Ivanova, Valery Belsky, Elena Balakireva and Marina Kuznetsova.
Very informative for me was the course of O.Chekrizhov "Biomechanics. The structure of the musculoskeletal of dogs".
Our "schnauzer’s children" have not only high show results. They are working dogs & have diplomas of obedience and protection trainings, "General obedience", BH (BegleitHund) and IPO!
Agility and Luge, towing a skier and a cyclist, work with children in orphanages -
SCHNAUZER CAN ALL - therefore he is LOVED and we are loyal to him!
Almost every year we produce calendars with photos of the dogs of our kennel – it rejoice ourselves and delighting friends and acquaintances - to bring a
SCHNAUZER to every house
as a talisman and a friendly present!
We remember all of our SCHNAUZER!

Glad to dialogue and cooperation!